teaching movement, aftercare and mindfulness in a fun & authentic way -
lets journey together as we move to create new pathways for the mind & body

I believe in a 360 degree approach;
movement, aftercare and mindfulness all working together so that you can feel your best YOU.
Trying to be the best of yourself can feel so overwhelming, and thats something I aim to make easy.
Looking after yourself shouldn't
have to be an inconvenience.
How it works

My Story
I started dancing from the age of three and decided to train professionally to follow a career in Dance and Musical Theatre. With each contract I found my body out of balance doing the same shows and dance moves for months at a time. A fellow professional suggested I try Yoga to see if this would help.
My previous limited experience with yoga didn’t fill me with complete confidence - but with little else to try I threw myself into classes hoping it would help and something would change. It did. Yoga taught me I had never connected my mind and body and falling in love with it wasn’t something I was able to choose - it was something I needed. The physical benefits were huge! My constant imbalances from contracts disappeared allowing me to perform at an optimum level. As my practice grew I not only felt physical benefits but also extra benefits to my mental health too - something I had never associated with an exercise class. It was addictive and I soon found it very hard to step off my mat.
At the end of 2018 I tore a tendon in my hip and unfortunately this ended my career as a dancer. I was devastated. Gaining my Yoga Teacher Training was something I had been contemplating, and the timing felt right. Training whilst severely injured (although difficult) was a benefit, as it allowed me to comprehend how each body is completely different and how yoga is so accessible to everyone - and I mean everyone.
Who doesn’t love a massage!? Going on to study Sports & Remedial Massage was such an easy decision. As a dancer I would always get regular massages as it was important for the maintenance of healthy muscles and reducing the risk of injury whilst on contracts or even working at a desk job in-between dance contracts. Ultimately wanting to learn and share this knowledge with others made me study and gain my qualification in Sports Massage Therapy!

The groundwork of all happiness is good health
James Leigh Hunt